

姓名:傅  尧    教授、博导



传 真:86-551-63606689








傅尧,1977年7月生于重庆,中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师,国家杰青。长期从事有机化学和绿色化学等领域的研究。运用理论与实验相结合的研究手段,发展绿色有机化学新反应和催化体系,成功应用于生物质催化转化制取新材料与化学品。研究成果发表于国际顶级刊物和具有国际影响力的国内刊物,包括science、nat. catal.、ccs chem.、j. am. chem. soc.、angew. chem.、nat. commun.等。研究成果引起国内外同行广泛关注,美国化学会新闻周刊chemical & engineering news和英国皇家化学会chemistry world亮点报道评论。2019~2022连续四年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单。授权中国发明专利40余项,技术转让7项。承担国家重点研发计划,发展纤维素定向催化转化技术,制备戊酸酯类含氧燃料,建设千吨级示范生产线;开发呋喃基材料单体及聚合物合成技术,获日内瓦国际发明展特别嘉许金奖。曾获得国家自然科学二等奖(2017年,第二完成人)、闵恩泽能源化工奖杰出贡献奖(2017年)和腾讯科学探索奖(2020年),入选中国化学会会士(2020年)。受邀担任chemsuschem、green carbon、chinese journal of chemistry、acta chimica sinica等期刊编委,中国化学会物理有机化学专业委员会委员、中国化学会绿色化学专业委员会委员、中国化工学会化工碳中和技术专业委员会委员、亚洲-大洋洲绿色可持续化学学会学术委员会委员。






education and working experiecne

2010- present: professor, department of chemistry, university of science and technology of china, hefei, china

2005-2010: , department of chemistry, university of science and technology of china, hefei, china

2000-2005: doctor (advisor: professor qing-xiang guo), , hefei, china

1996-2000: bachelor, department of polymer science and engineering, university of science and technology of china, hefei, china



1. 物理有机化学;

2. 绿色合成化学;

3. 生物质化学。

research fields

yao fu has been engaged in the research of physical organic chemistry and green chemistry. by combining theory studies with experiments, fu have developed new reactions and catalytic systems of green organic synthesis, successfully applied new reactions to biomass catalytic conversion to produce liquid fuels and chemicals, and made important progress in green synthesis reaction creation and biomass energy chemical engineering.

1) physical organic chemistry

2) green organic synthesis

3) biomass energy and chemical industry













the asian core program lectureship award,2013年



awards and fellowships

xplorer prize, 2020

fellow of the chinese chemical society, 2020

natural science award of anhui provience (first prize, place no. 1), 2019

ustc outstanding research president award, 2019

chinese academy of sciences outstanding graduate student instructor award, 2019, 2015, 2013

ustc outstanding achievement award for young scientists of the alumni foundation, 2018

national natural science award of china (second prize, place no. 2), 2017

min enze prize for outstanding contribution to the energy and chemical industry, 2017

chinese chemical society physical organic chemistry youth award, 2017

ministry of education fok ying tung education foundation award (first prize), 2015

national science fund for distinguished young scholars, 2013

asian core program lectureship award, 2013

chinese chemical society young chemist award, 2012

new century excellent talents support program, 2008




chemsuschem、green carbon、《化学学报》、《中国化学》等期刊编委

other scientific activities

chinese chemical society, , committee member

chinese chemical society, green chemistry committee, committee member

committee of asia-ocean society for green and sustainable chemistry, committee member

editorial board member of chemsuschem

editorial board member of green carbon

editorial board member of chinese journal of chemistry

editorial board member of acta chimica sinica


[1] ming-chen fu, rui shang,* bin zhao, bing wang, yao fu,* photocatalytic decarboxylative alkylations mediated by triphenylphosphine and sodium iodide, science 2019, 363, 1429-1434.

[2] yan li, wan nie, zhe chang, jia-wang wang, xi lu,* yao fu,* cobalt-catalysed enantioselective c(sp3)–c(sp3) coupling, nat. catal. 2021, 4, 901-911.

[3] xiao-xu wang, lu yu, xi lu,* zhi-lin zhang, de-guang liu, changlin tian, yao fu,* nih-catalyzed reductive hydrocarbonation of enol esters and ethers, ccs chem. 2021, 3, 727-737.

[4] yan li, deguang liu, lei wan, jun-yang zhang, xi lu,* yao fu,* ligand-controlled cobalt-catalyzed regiodivergent alkyne hydroalkylation, j. am. chem. soc. 2022, 144, 13961-13972.

[5] chen-qiang deng, jiao liu, jia-hao luo, li-jin gan, jin deng,* yao fu,* proton-promoted nickel-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of aliphatic ketoacids, angew. chem. int. ed. 2022, 61, e202115983.

selected publications

[1] ming-chen fu, rui shang,* bin zhao, bing wang, yao fu,* photocatalytic decarboxylative alkylations mediated by triphenylphosphine and sodium iodide. science 2019, 363, 1429-1434.

[2] yan li, wan nie, zhe chang, jia-wang wang, xi lu,* yao fu,* cobalt-catalysed enantioselective c(sp3)–c(sp3) coupling. nat. catal. 2021, 4, 901-911.

[3] xiao-xu wang, lu yu, xi lu,* zhi-lin zhang, de-guang liu, changlin tian, yao fu,* nih-catalyzed reductive hydrocarbonation of enol esters and ethers. ccs chem. 2021, 3, 727-737.

[4] yan li, deguang liu, lei wan, jun-yang zhang, xi lu,* yao fu,* ligand-controlled cobalt-catalyzed regiodivergent alkyne hydroalkylation. j. am. chem. soc. 2022, 144, 13961-13972.

[5] chen-qiang deng, jiao liu, jia-hao luo, li-jin gan, jin deng,* yao fu,* proton-promoted nickel-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of aliphatic ketoacids. angew. chem. int. ed. 2022, 61, e202115983.

